Sunday, October 01, 2006


New Orleans, LA | USA

This recommendation from GALLER|b reader Lucas:

I'm a reader of GallerB and just bought a print from a New Orleans photographer, Wallace Merritt. He's a cool guy, a Katrina survivor from New Orleans, and he is now doing his black & white photography full-time and committed to staying in New Orleans.

Such is the power of his work that I saw one of his photographs hanging in a house in 1998 in New Orleans, and never forgot it. I just fulfilled a dream of mine, which is owning a print of that photo. (It's so very haunting, like all good art, I guess.) I tracked him down and just ordered it from him and he's shipping it to me in Atlanta!

He has no idea I'm writing you, but I just thought your blog would be a great way to introduce him to a Web audience, and share his artistic vision with your readers if you like it. Additionally, I'm sure he'd get a kick out of it, too!

Many thanks to Lucas for introducing GALLER|b to an outstanding photographer, and for sharing your comments with our audience.

INQUIRIES: Inquire directly at Wallace Merritt's website. Prices start around $600+.
All images Copyright Wallace Merritt Photography.

1 comment:

Parisbreakfasts said...

What a spectacular eye he has! I love the Morandi-like bottles..