Friday, October 26, 2007



Christopher Griffin covers a lot of subject-matter in his paintings, from ships to cave-like art. Simple and colorful, his work is primitive and very cool. Having staged exhibitions throughout Canada, his work can be seen in various galleries in the U.S.

Most of his paintings are straight forward. Geometric shapes form animals and other objects, accented by splashes of color that often almost monochromatic.

Griffin describes his own work on his website as being "inspired by ancient artwork on cave walls, children's art and random markings on concrete sidewalks, roads and buildings.I find the immediacy, confidence and lack of pretense in their character very appealing."

Griffin is the founder of Art on Ice, Canada's only outdoor art exhibition on Ottawa's Rideau Canal during the city’s annual Winterlude celebrations. - (

INQUIRIES: Work ranges in price from $800+. For information about purchasing, contact the artist directly: Links to his exhibitions are on his website.
All images Copyright Christopher Griffin.

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